These super color photos of the Bricklin Factory and Assembly Line are courtesy of Hall A. William. Many thanks to Thomas D. Fournier for arranging the use of the photos.
Bricklin SV1 assembly line with Safety Orange Bricklins enroute to completion
Shown is a run of Safety Orange Bricklins at the Pre Final section of the assembly line.
Near the end of the assembly line a Safety Orange Bricklin SV1 nears completion
Outside the plant Bricklin SV1's wait to be shipped, as a truckload appears about ready to depart
Outside the plant, Safety White, Safety Green, and Safety Orange Bricklin SV1's wait to be shipped
Monday, March 17, 1975. Bricklin SV1 VIN 947 gets its' Safety White Body, while VIN 946 is just ahead of VIN 947 on the line
Use of this photo with kind permission from Bricklin International